Sunrise Children’s Services
300 Hope Street
P.O. Box 1429
Mt. Washington, KY 40047

Stories of Hope Blog

Foster Care Ministry on the Road

September 28, 2020

The entire Sunrise Somerset foster care team recently went on a “Foster Parent Appreciation Parade” to see their clients and show some Sunrise love to our families. While only able to physically be present with families during crisis or placement, the Sunrise team has truly missed spending time with the kids to laugh, hug, and just be together. The staff decided to take things “on the road” driving almost 200 miles throughout their region to share with their families how much they are loved. With horns blaring (sorry neighbors), signs waving, and staff hanging out of windows at times, Sunrise came in full force to announce YOU ARE LOVED!

“Families really loved the parade, and the kids were so excited to see us . . . even the teenagers,” said one Sunrise Somerset foster care team member.

Staff were sent messages from kids and families like, “That was pretty cool!” “They are crazy!” “It was nice.” One foster parent shared, “Thanks for loving our kids like you do, and for all the support you give us. We have been where we didn’t get any support before, and can’t imagine (still being in that situation) during this time.”

The day was made when one kiddo that is struggling shared, “That was nice; maybe they do care.”

Sunrise Vice President of Community Based Services Kenny Williams expressed, “We have a great team, and I am so thankful for all of them!”