Sunrise Children’s Services
300 Hope Street
P.O. Box 1429
Mt. Washington, KY 40047

Stories of Hope Blog

From Surviving to Thriving

October 16, 2021

Ricky*, age 13, and his sister, Riley*, age 11, were referred to Sunrise after they were removed from their home due to extreme neglect. They lived in seven different cities and states in the last two years. Their mother would pick up their few belongings and move every time it was discovered the children were not in school.

They often lived in their vehicle and would have short stays in homeless shelters. When they did have a home, their mother never allowed them outside, often leaving them in filthy rooms without food or appropriate clothing.

But God had a plan when they came to Western Kentucky. Accepted by an awesome set of Sunrise foster parents, it was soon discovered that these kids were significantly behind in education and in motor and social skills. The mother was heartbroken when she learned that one of the children didn’t know how to run. Each time Riley tried, it would be awkward and she would fall. Can you imagine a child not knowing how to run and play?

Ricky and Riley were loved and nurtured by this HUGE family who had several other adoptive and foster children. After being robbed of their childhood – hiding out and virtually trying to survive – they learned to laugh, play games, and discover what it means to just be children.

Ricky has learned that he loves to cook, and Riley has taken a leadership role as the oldest female child, and is often overheard giving loving advice and direction to her foster siblings. Ricky and Riley are now thriving!

They have made lifelong friends and have a wonderful support system through their foster parents, Sunrise therapist and case manager, as well as their church family. We are so thankful that God has allowed Sunrise to minister to these children and so happy this family said YES!

*Names have been changed to protect the identity of individuals.